A list of keymaps and their single-key shortcuts for repeating commands.
Click on a keymap to see the commands repeatable by the keymap.

* ‘buffer-navigation-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

<left>          previous-buffer
<right>         next-buffer

* ‘comint-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

C-n             comint-next-prompt
C-p             comint-previous-prompt

* ‘diff-hl-command-map’

Key             Binding

SPC             diff-hl-mark-hunk
*               diff-hl-show-hunk
S               diff-hl-stage-current-hunk
n               diff-hl-next-hunk
p               diff-hl-previous-hunk
{               diff-hl-show-hunk-previous
}               diff-hl-show-hunk-next
DEL             diff-hl-revert-hunk
<delete>        diff-hl-revert-hunk

** Exited with:

‘diff-hl-mark-hunk’, ‘diff-hl-show-hunk’, ‘diff-hl-show-hunk-next’,
‘diff-hl-show-hunk-previous’, ‘nil’

* ‘dired-jump-map’

Key             Binding

C-j             dired-jump
j               dired-jump

* ‘eshell-command-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

C-b             eshell-backward-argument
C-f             eshell-forward-argument

* ‘eshell-prompt-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

C-n             eshell-next-prompt
C-p             eshell-previous-prompt

* ‘expand-region-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

,               er/expand-region
- .. .          er/contract-region
0               [closure]
1               [closure]
2               [closure]
3               [closure]
4               [closure]
5               [closure]
6               [closure]
7               [closure]
8               [closure]

* ‘hl-todo-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

n               hl-todo-next
p               hl-todo-previous

* ‘isearch-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

r               isearch-repeat-backward
s               isearch-repeat-forward

* ‘jinx-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

$               jinx-correct
n               jinx-next
p               jinx-previous

M-n             jinx-next
M-p             jinx-previous

** Exited with:


* ‘lisp-navigation-map’

Key             Binding

;               sp-comment
C               sp-convolute-sexp
D               my/sp-duplicate-sexp
J               sp-join-sexp
K               sp-kill-hybrid-sexp
R               sp-raise-sexp
S               sp-split-sexp
[               sp-backward-slurp-sexp
\               indent-region
]               sp-forward-slurp-sexp
b               backward-sexp
d               down-list
e               eval-last-sexp
f               forward-sexp
k               sp-kill-sexp
n               sp-next-sexp
p               sp-previous-sexp
r               raise-sexp
t               transpose-sexps
u               backward-up-list
x               eval-last-sexp
{               sp-backward-barf-sexp
}               sp-forward-barf-sexp

** Entered with:


* ‘macrursors-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

n               macrursors-mark-next-instance-of
p               macrursors-mark-previous-instance-of

** Entered with:

‘macrursors-mark-next-from-isearch’, ‘macrursors-mark-next-line’,
‘macrursors-mark-previous-from-isearch’, ‘macrursors-mark-previous-line’

* ‘my/TeX-error-map’

Key             Binding

n               TeX-next-error
p               TeX-previous-error

* ‘my/TeX-ref-map’

Key             Binding

R               my/previous-reference-or-label
n               my/next-reference-or-label
p               my/previous-reference-or-label
r               my/next-reference-or-label

* ‘my/buffer-cycle-map’

Key             Binding

b               my/switch-buffer
n               my/next-buffer
p               my/previous-buffer

* ‘next-error-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

n               next-error
p               previous-error

M-n             next-error
M-p             previous-error

* ‘org-link-navigation-map’

Key             Binding

n               org-next-link
p               org-previous-link

* ‘other-window-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

O               [byte-code]
o               my/other-window

** Entered with:


* ‘outline-editing-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

C-v             outline-move-subtree-down
C-^             outline-move-subtree-up
<               outline-promote
>               outline-demote
^               outline-move-subtree-up
v               outline-move-subtree-down
C-<             outline-promote
C->             outline-demote

* ‘outline-navigation-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

TAB             outline-cycle
C-u             outline-up-heading
b               outline-backward-same-level
f               outline-forward-same-level
n               outline-next-visible-heading
p               outline-previous-visible-heading
u               outline-up-heading
<tab>           outline-cycle

** Exited with:


* ‘page-navigation-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

[               backward-page
]               forward-page

* ‘popper-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

`               popper-cycle
b               my/popper-switch-to-popup
~               popper-cycle-backwards

** Entered with:


** Exited with:


* ‘resize-window-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

^               enlarge-window
v               shrink-window
{               shrink-window-horizontally
}               enlarge-window-horizontally

* ‘shell-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

C-b             shell-backward-command
C-f             shell-forward-command

* ‘smerge-basic-map’

Key             Binding

RET             smerge-keep-current
C               smerge-combine-with-next
E               smerge-ediff
R               smerge-refine
a               smerge-keep-all
b               smerge-keep-base
l               smerge-keep-lower
m               smerge-keep-upper
n               smerge-next
o               smerge-keep-lower
p               smerge-prev
r               smerge-resolve
u               smerge-keep-upper

= <             smerge-diff-base-upper
= =             smerge-diff-upper-lower
= >             smerge-diff-base-lower

* ‘tab-bar-move-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

M               tab-bar-move-tab-backward
m               tab-move

* ‘tab-bar-switch-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

O               tab-previous
o               tab-next

* ‘undo-repeat-map’

Key             Binding

u               undo
